from Ananova
killer elephants to be moved
Story filed: 10:50 Friday 15th June 2001 Vietnamese authorities plan to move a herd of elephants which has killed at least 10 people. The decision follows reports that a bull elephant killed a man in the southern Binh Thuan province. He was trying to stop it eating his rice crop. (continued)
Officials say the elephants confined themselves to crop-raiding until mid-1999 when they claimed their first human victim. Armed soldiers are on guard but officials say they are reluctant to kill the elephants because of heavy penalties under environmental laws. The South China Morning Post quotes one witness to the latest attack as saying: "Following a trail of blood, we came upon his remains which were spread over an area of about 100 square metres. "It appeared that he had been thrown and trampled until his body was crushed and his remains and clothing were strewn all over a nearby hill. The attack also saw four houses destroyed and the survivors remain terrified." Local commune chief Nguyen Than said: "Everybody is living in fear. No-one can work and people are afraid to stay in their homes because they may attack again at any time." BACK to Animal Attack Files Index Tell a Friend about the Animal Attack Files |
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