from Ananova
girl mauled to death by Rottweiler
Tuesday May 1, 2001 A one-month-old girl was killed by her family's pet Rottweiler after it escaped from a pen. Jovanna King was found in a bedroom of her home in Chicago by her 16-year-old mother. (continued below)
Police said the baby was badly shaken and covered with puncture wounds. They said an uncle of the child had failed to properly license the animal. However, he's not expected to face further charges after police described the baby's death as an accident. Jovanna's mother told police her daughter was on a bed when she opened the back porch area where the Rottweiler was kept, usually on a chain. Officers said the mother didn't see the dog escape into the house and did not go into the bedroom until after the dog had mauled Jovanna. The dog is due to be put down, reports the Chicago Sun-Times. Copyright © 2001 Ananova Ltd BACK to Animal Attack Files Index Tell a Friend about the Animal Attack Files |