~This report courtesy of Angela Dixon ~


Killer Bees Eyed in Attack on Dogs

Tuesday, 22 September, 2:31 p.m.

B O U L D E R C I T Y , N E V . (AP)

AUTHORITIES SUSPECT killer bees attacked two dogs in their back yard, killing one.

Each dog was stung more than 100 times Saturday. State agriculture officials are studying some of the bees to determine if they were of the aggressive, Africanized variety.

So-called killer bees have killed more than 1,000 people in South America, Central America and Mexico since a colony escaped from a laboratory in Brazil in 1956. They are easily provoked and tend to nest in places European honeybees wouldn't go, such as near the ground.

Swarms of killer bees have been found in Pahrump, 60 miles west of Las Vegas. Boulder City is 25 miles south of Las Vegas.

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