Animal Attack Files

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Great reading: AAF Book Recommendations

Shark Research Comittee - based in California; specializing in Pacific attacks, documentation and research

Cougar Safety Guide - from the British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Land and Parks

International Shark Attack Files - of the Shark Research Panel by the Office of Naval Research (currently being administered at the Florida Museum of Natural History). Actual files not available on-line, but terrific summaries of annual data, charts and graphs and other information are NOW AVAILABLE on-line! All shark attacks from around the Globe are documented. Up to the minute shark attacks reports, Victims Photos, Shark Gallery, Chat room, Message Board, and Dive trips to see the Sharks.

Rick Martin on Sharks

The Sharkman - check out the shark photos - up close and personal


Creepy Crawleys and Furry Things

Ten Safety Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Shark Attack - from The State of Hawai'i's Division of Aquatic Resources of the Department of Land and Natural Resources

Some Dangerous and Venomous Sea Organisms - from the Hawaii Lifeguards Association

Exhibited Feline Incidents Summaries of incidents since 1990, compiled by the Animal Protection Institute

Elephant Attacks: A partial listing of elephant rampages since 1990, by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals